
How US defines HK

from NDAA Fiscal 2024:

        (3) Foreign adversary.--The term ``foreign adversary'' means--
(A) the People's Republic of China, including the Hong Kong
and Macau Special Administrative Regions
(B) the Republic of Cuba;
(C) the Islamic Republic of Iran;
(D) the Democratic People's Republic of Korea;
(E) the Russian Federation; and
(F) the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela under the regime
of Nicolas Maduro Moros.

此段條文是House 通過的版本加上,在七月國會通過的版本沒有。





  1. 二合一洗衣機[LG] : 內膽漏水...!! [2022], 3年
  2. 洗碗機[Simens]: 壞開關,[2023],5年
  3. 27吋 mon [Dell]:壞開關[牛],[2023], 5年
  4. 筋膜槍 [波蘿君]:壞電池, [2023], 1年
  5. NAS Harddisk [Toshiba, 3TB], [2022], 7年..?
  6. 藍牙喇叭 [Edifier]:壞藍牙!!,[2022], 1年
  7. 藍牙喇叭 [JBL],壞搖控接收,[2020年],4年
  8. 小米 note 3 手機,不能開關,[2022], 1年半
  9. Canon 24-105 F/4 R鏡頭,壞 USM 摩打, [2023], 8-9 年

“Many countries saw the need for vigilance to the spill-over effect of global monetary tightening, and mentioned currency moves in that context. But there wasn’t any discussion on what coordinated steps could be taken," Suzuki said in a news conference on Thursday after attending separate meetings of the G7 and G20 finance leaders in Washington.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen made clear that Washington had no appetite for concerted action, saying the dollar’s overall strength was a “natural result of different paces of monetary tightening in the United States and other countries."

Src: Reuters


路透社亞洲版: 一篇

Nikkei Asia: 頭條第一篇

Bloomberg (Asian Edition) : 一篇 opinion

Financial Times: Opinion一篇 。另一篇講印度巴菲特之死

華爾街日報 [國際版]: no coverage


主軸不外: 塔理班是不義之師,女權倒退,包庇塔理斑就細細聲,就算生活有改善都係益d男人,減少corruption 都係令中央可以更集權 強幹弱枝 blah blah blah.



這世界無什麼顏色和立場都會有偏頗, 要比較完整的理解世界, 需要分散資訊源,以增加視角,減少死角。令一方面, 要避開社交平臺的大數據AI 自我強化的偏差, 避開廣告和Spam/sponsored contents。


在智能手機還沒普及前, 很常用的渠道。 一個差不多被遺忘的工具。

It does the job perfectly!

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然後選一個好的RSS Reader [比如 Ino Readee], 逐個 Feed source 訂閱, 就搞點。

Nice and neat!


假如我是Yonex, 我讚助的都是全球頂級羽毛球手。 家朗是香港首席男單羽毛球手,全球排名第九,豈有不讚助之理?

今年香港羽毛球的奧運代表們,全部穿YY球衣。中國選手也是穿YY。唯獨家朗’在出賽前一個月’仍然不獲Yonex sponsor續約。故此他在賽前一個月出席活動時,已一直穿著自費印刷的黑色lululemon 球衣。並以此衣去奧運比賽。





美方邀請中方到Alaska 會談,開場白全球廣播,開會前先搞一堆制裁,訪問日韓印澳,拿到’中國是威脅的’共識’,然後在阿拉斯加會數中國的不義,有嗮套路,擺明請君入甕發徼文, 向全球宣揚’世界還是老子的’。

冷不防中方不客氣, 居然直斥其非,作出極其嚴重[但真實]的指控:\We don’t believe in invading through use of force, topple other regimes, massacre people of other countries’ [看 Nick Schifrin 的twitter]。這應該是在西方傳媒面前,中國高層第一次[有機會]坦白罵美國佬虛偽.。朋友說,因為西方傳媒一直是受列強操控,好很多事跟本無法在西方新聞看到。 中國就是利用了這次窗口,毫不客氣的DKLM 了美國。這當然不是為了改變西方人看法,而是做給國人看的,也是講給亞洲的友國聽。


看看各大傳媒如何報導: [第一次這樣看新聞,如有錯漏請指正]

WSJ: 沒有報導 這會談

Bloomberg: [用bickering 一字輕輕帶過雙方矛盾, [沒有提到美方要記者離開,沒有提中方最重的一句 accusation ]

Financial Times [最原汁原味, 有提中方最重的一句 accusation ,但沒有提到美方要記者離開]

Fox: 首頁沒有報導這會談

BBC 看這裏

‘In response, Mr Yang accused Washington of using its military might and financial supremacy to suppress other countries.’

[ 沒有提到美方要記者離開,沒有提中方最重的一句 accusation ]

路透社 [看這裏]


  1. “The United States uses its military force and financial hegemony to carry out long-arm jurisdiction and suppress other countries,” said Yang.
  2. What is typically a few minutes of opening remarks in front of journalists for such high-level meetings lasted more than an hour, and the two delegations tussled about when media would be ushered out of the room. [隱侮地帶過了記者到底要不要走的問題]

CNN 看這裏 [報導手法,類似生果日報]

[語調:明明是中方超時,但CCTV就講話美國超時在先] <– 睇片就知美國真係超時在先[5分鐘]。總之寫野一定寫左你衰先,再phrase 到讀者覺得係CCTV賴美國超時在先。沒片便沒有真相了

[沒有提到美方要記者離開,沒有提中方最重的一句 accusation ]

Yang warned the US to stop meddling in China’s “internal affairs" and said it should “stop advancing its own democracy in the rest of the world," adding that many Americans “actually have little confidence in the democracy of the United States." His remarks went far beyond the two minutes US officials said they had agreed upon before the talks, and Blinken insisted on issuing a rebuttal while the media was still present, with the Chinese then accusing him of being “condescending," as their US counterparts complained of “grandstanding."

In a write-up of the exchange, published hours after it took place, Chinese state broadcaster CCTV said it was the US side that was “seriously exceeding the time limit" in their opening remarks and “provoking dispute" by launching “unreasonable attacks" on China’s domestic and foreign policies.

PBS 看這裏

[ 沒有提到美方要記者離開,沒有提中方最重的一句 accusation ]

但是PBS 的 Nick Schifrin 在twitter 有轉載現場的情況,我也是看這裏才知道美國趕記者走

Euro news [看這裏]

細節比較多, 但也沒有提到美方要記者離開,沒有提中方最重的一句 accusation




大致上是: 西方不提中方最重要的accusation, 也不提中方認為聯合國為首的國際秩序才是理想。至於中途Blinken 趕記者走,則兩邊也沒有提。



“Today, this means Italy; tomorrow, the need could be elsewhere. Italy has already asked to activate the European Union mechanism of civil protection for the supply of medical equipment for individual protection. But unfortunately not a single EU country responded to the commission’s call. Only China responded bilaterally. Certainly this is not a good sign of European solidarity.”


The Gardian: Italy criticises EU for being slow to help over coronavirus epidemic



打美國? 你飛兩支,美國飛二十支,即刻亡國




看形勢,其實北韓是跟本不可幾真打。既然不是真威脅,美國不跟他和談,繼續經濟封鎖餓死他,就夠了。美國和談的唯一 動機,是留名。 這要看特朗普的需要。

Utility 最高可能是’變節’,做美國 proxy 打其他美國的’敵人’,這反而是有可能發生的,或者以核技術和南韓交換,作為停戰議和的條件?令南韓可以去美國化?




在Amazon海外網站購物,以外幣結算的話,匯率大約要蝕6%[好像更多] 。用ebay 的話大約是3%。VISA card 用美元找數,conversion fee 1.95%。銀聯沒有 conversion fee. 但匯率比銀行中間價差0.6% 左右 [Link]。而極多海外購物點,銀聯有額外折扣。

所以:海外網購用 銀聯最化算,VISA 美元結算次之。

但是,似乎除了亞洲國家,找換店食差價比amazon 還要高,印象中有些地方來回要差近20%。我估不外兩個原因: 一是生意規模細,要靠高差價維持正常的利潤額。 二是公司要 price in長期坐貨的匯率風險。[因為找換店的生意應該是愈來愈少]。

有說,ATM海外 提現金更化算。有機會可以研究下。不過,信用卡 contactless payment 普及化,現金愈來愈無用了,似乎ATM 也要轉型!而電子貨幣普及後,現金存量下跌,現金交易和儲存成本只會升… 而邊個會想比20% spread 呢?  貨幣電子化的過程,正路是滾雪球式的加速。

P.S 查閱信用卡單據,同一日每次消費的匯率都不同,似乎VISA 的匯率是每單即時結算。規模做到這樣大,連匯率風險都可以接近Real time hedge 埋,剩食 1.9x% conversion fee. 還有商家的2-3%。 回贈些少比顧客,還是大把利潤 [相比股票經紀 0.0x% 佣金…]

所以,實際上,VISA 的競爭力確是超群。 一是規模效應,成本低,匯率風險低。二是多重收費。三是網點多。四,也是最緊要的,美元是世界第一貨幣。visa/master 是美國公司,有大老闆睇場。
